3 Years ago if you ask me what kind of guy I want...
I'll tell you a guy who is tall, have abs, good looking, smart and rich.
Have the most cliche fairytale date with me,
bring me out to watch the night sky or
have a picnic watching the sunsets.
But now, the guy I want....
I need a guy that can deal with my mess.
Someone who can see makes me see things from a different point of view.
I need a guy who will make me talk about the things that scare me.
Someone who will make me open up to him, a guy that would not give up on me.
You might ask, so have I found the right one?
That guy that I want, that guy that I need.
To be honest, I've no idea.
He is just that someone I think about every night,
cause I want to tell him how my day has been,
what I ate today, how late I was for school.
Sometimes I talk too much, rumbling about this and that.
Sometimes I don't talk cause I can't my emotions putting them into words
or even think of how I should text you right after seeing you.
They are like shapes and colours floating in my head constantly,
never structured. But dust when it leaves the mouth never to be found.
It is okay not being able to express your feeling in words,
appreciate him once in awhile the right one will understand what you are going thru.
Take a step back,
are you the right one for him?